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Absolute Nature CBD Blog

What is decarboxylation | How to decarboxylate hemp | Why is decarboxylation important?

What is decarboxylation | How to decarboxylate hemp | Why is decarboxylation important?

The process known as “decarboxylation,” aka “decarbing,” is where raw hemp/cannabis is heated so the chemical structure of the acid precursor cannabinoids convert to (non-acid) forms.

THC and CBD are the converted forms of THCa and CBDa. Why is decarboxylation important? The main constituents of raw hemp/cannabis are, as previously mentioned acidic precursors to the main therapeutic cannabinoids.

Typically hemp/cannabis will be high in CBDa, THCa, CBGa & low in CBD. The goal is to convert the CBDa to CBD.

There are lots of benefits to these precursor cannabinoids, however in most cases, most of us are wanting the main neutral cannabinoids like; CBD. To achieve maximum benefits & get the best from your raw material. You must “decarb”


– Oven
– Baking sheet
– Aluminum foil or parchment paper
– Hemp/Cannabis
– Grinder/Blender

Preheat your oven to 250 F. 250 Fahrenheit = 121 Celsius It’s important to ensure the temperature is correct and stable! Use an additional oven thermometer for accuracy.

Grind up your hemp buds. If you do not have a herb grinder, break it up into tiny pieces with your fingers, or use a food processor on the pulse setting. You’re looking to make small pieces akin to dried thyme leaves — not dust.

Spread your ground hemp out onto a cookie sheet or baking tray, creating a very thin layer — a few millimeters in depth. Place the tray in your oven on a middle rack. Bake for approximately 40 minutes.

Remove from the oven to cool.
Your hemp should look brownish and feel dry to the touch. It should also crumble when rolled between your fingers.

That’s it! You’re now ready to use your to make oils, edibles, dry capsules, cannabutter, or simply use in any other foods you wish. Thank You for watching! More about hemp and it’s uses here: How to Use Hemp

ghp magazine article on – Best Natural CBD Products Provider 2020 – Texas & Most Innovative CBD Training Education Program 2020

Image of the ghp press article for Absolute Natures Awards

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The medical power of cannabis products is becoming more and more widely recognized, especially across the United States. In the state of Texas, Absolute Nature CBD is a firm that is committed to providing all-natural and completely safe cannabis products. After the firm’s double- award-winning success in the Medical Marijuana Awards 2019, we discover more …

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Absolute Nature CBD Wins Prestigious International ghp Medical Cannabis Award

Best all-natural CBD products provider award 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are pleased and honored to announce we have been awarded with “Best all-natural CBD products provider & Innovative CBD Education program 2020″ by the ghp (Global Health & Pharma) medical marijuana awards 2019. “We were honored and delighted when GHP contacted us to let us know we had received nominations for one of the …

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Texas to Remove CBD From Texas’ Controlled Substances List

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First Responder CBD Assistance Discount Program


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FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb Resigns – Is this good or bad for CBD? Who will replace him?

Today the US was shocked to see a notification from FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb that he has resigned from his position and will be leaving the FDA sometime next month. Is this good or bad for the CBD/Hemp industry? Scott posted on his twitter: I’m immensely grateful for the opportunity to help lead this wonderful …

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We are pleased to offer our CBD Assistance / Compassion Program

CBD Assistance Program

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H.R.420 – Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] New bill introduced to legalize Cannabis! Excerpt Below: Introduced in House (01/09/2019) 116th CONGRESS 1st Session H. R. 420 To provide for the regulation of marijuana products, and for other purposes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES January 9, 2019 Mr. Blumenauer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in …

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Senators Urge FDA to Update Regulations to Ensure U.S. Producers and Consumers Have Better Access to CBD

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In a letter to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley said farmers in Oregon and the rest of the nation stand to make solid economic progress for their communities if FDA loosens the regulations on hemp and CBD. Despite the passage of the Farm Bill, “current, outdated regulations limit producers …

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100 Scientific Studies That Shows Cannabis Cures Cancer

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Here’s the full list of studies: There’s a surprising number of published studies that suggest cannabis kills cancer cells. Very exciting and potentially future changing data is being collected at a rate never seen before. Hopefully it won’t be many more years until some real readily available treatments emerge. Below is a curated list …

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