From the first days of planning and inception for Absolute Nature Inc, our unwavering fundamental aspirations were:
Honesty, educational, ethical, transparency, eco-friendly, charitable, high quality, organic, contaminant-free, whole-plant based, medicinal, efficacious, and provide compassion services to those who need our products the most. Always striving to make a difference in people’s lives through any of our aspirations and company ethics.
Eighteen months have since passed from that first planning meeting, we have firmly stuck to our path, and we’re achieving all of our original aspirations and more. Long may it continue.
Dec 2019 marked a significant milestone when we unexpectedly received awards for “Best all-natural CBD products provider & Most Innovative CBD Training Education Programme” by the Global Pharma & Health (ghp) medical marijuana awards 2019.
The surprise was more meaningful, as attendees at the dispensary education classes. And, customers, who had found real benefit from our products, had secretly nominated us. We are truly thankful for every one of our customers and supporters. Without you, we wouldn’t be where we are today.


Read the official ghp press release here
Collectively, the Global Health and Pharma (ghp) Awards span numerous markets across the Human, Animal, and Environmental Health fields. While the membership is organically grown and closely audited, members have tended to fall into several general categories:
Academia, Industry, Public Bodies & Health Systems, Governments & Policy Makers, Funding Agencies & Groups, Investors, Regulatory & Professional Bodies. The prestigious Global Health & Pharma awards are based on merit and research done by GHP’s team. 2019 is the first year GHP has included an awards presentation for Medical Marijuana businesses.
We were honored and delighted when GHP contacted us to let us know we had received nominations for one of the very first GHP Medical Marijuana Awards. The recognition received from the ghp awards further proves that Absolute Nature is setting and achieving exemplary standards and will continue to make improvements and advancements in both product quality, transparency, assistance, and education.
The awards recognize our achievements, unwavering aspirations, efforts, and advocacy for cannabis medicine, product quality, and consumer safety and health.
Absolute Nature CBD was evaluated by GHP board members based on information independently gathered from a variety of sources, accomplishments, product information & reporting, future projects, feedback from patients and customers, sustained or continued growth, and company values amongst other criteria. Award winners were chosen based on merit and not votes from the public.
Who determines the winners?
ghp – We employ an entirely impartial panel of 5 individuals to conduct all of the research to a high standard. At the helm of the committee, we have a veteran academic leader with international academic and training experience. The team is well versed in research, fact-checking, and mediation. We believe this method is the most efficient in determining which individuals and companies are most deserving of winning an award and has brought us much success and commendation throughout its use. Our continued use of this panel plays a vital part in enforcing Global Health & Pharma’s stance that winners are not determined by the popularity of votes, but by their contributions to the sector.