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CBD Hemp Flower – How to use high CBD Flower | Benefits of hemp flower

High CBD Hemp Flowers – The many uses and applications of CBD hemp flower explained


Beginner to Intermediate

Medically reviewed by: Dr. Vance Green, PharmD.
Updated on Feb 26, 2022

With the meteoric rise in popularity the world has seen with hemp, CBD (cannabidiol), and the many ways to consume CBD products. It comes as no surprise that high-CBD hemp flowers have seen colossal market growth since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill (Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018).

With the sudden spread of hemp flower-derived CBD and the limitless CBD products now available, many are still learning how to use CBD or only recently hearing about products like hemp flower buds.

For many, CBD products are replacing prescription medications for a variety of physical and mental health conditions.

You may have see the term industrial hemp and wondered whether hemp flower and industrial hemp are different. In essence, no, they’re the same plants. However, industrial hemp describes the lower-quality flowers/plants specifically used for mass production of CBD extracts.

The premium quality and craft growers tend to produce a superior product for the smokeable hemp flower market.

Hemp Flower Education – Leading the Way

Here at Absolute Nature CBD, we advocate cannabis education without bias and want to educate our readers and customer base about every aspect of CBD, including its’s many health benefits, uses, and variability in quality. Most importantly, how do you ensure you’re getting quality CBD products for maximum benefit without any fear or misguidance?

In this educational article about hemp flower, we will cover the basics of hemp flower, the many uses of CBD hemp flower, and what you can expect from CBD hemp flower buds. We’re also sharing tips for ensuring that you’re buying legal, safe, clean and high-quality CBD hemp flower buds and getting the best use out of them.

Frequently Asked Questions – CBD Flower Explained

What are common CBD flower uses?

You’re wondering what to do with cbd flower buds? In short, you can smoke it, vape it, make cannabutter, or make your own CBD oils. Then you can use the oil or cannabutter to make your own CBD edibles. Read more to learn!

What are CBD hemp flower buds?

CBD hemp flower buds are the flowers from female, specifically-bred hemp strains / plants that contain high CBD (cannabidiol) and low THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) (<0.3% by dry weight is the legal definition).

How to use hemp flower?

There are many ways to utilize hemp/cannabis flower. Here’s a list and brief explanation to help you get started.

  • Smoking CBD Flower Dry Vaporizing – Dry Herb Atomizing CBD Flower
  • Eating CBD Flower
  • Making CBD flower Capsules
  • Making CBD Oil Capsules
  • Cooking & Baking with CBD Flower Buds
  • Making CBD Oil from Hemp Flower
  • Making Hemp CBD cannabutter

CBD is an incredible molecule. It’s been shown to not only be safe but extremely powerful in many different avenues of wellness. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported after in-depth studies that CBD reveals no adverse health effects and tangible medical applications and that furthermore, cannabis should be rescheduled.

Source: Entourage Effect – Cannabinoids, Terpenes & Flavonoids ….


Does Hemp Have Buds?

Yes, hemp plants do have buds. Hemp buds are called colas or hemp flowers. The hemp buds (CBD Buds, CBG Buds) are where the plant produces its seed. However, in cultivation for medicinal harvests, male plants are removed and kept away from female flower producing plants to stop seed production.

The below graphic shows the anatomy of hemp/cannabis plants. This diagram shows where the cbd hemp buds form.

anatomy of hemp cannabis plants
Anatomy of hemp / cannabis plants – Does Hemp have buds?

CBD hemp flower buds are the flowers from female, specifically-bred hemp plants that contain high CBD (Cannabidiol) and low THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) (<0.3% by dry weight is the legal definition).

These hemp plants are a type of cannabis but not classed as marijuana, which contains high THC and low CBD. THC is the commonly known compound that produces the high psychoactive effects and is illegal in many countries and states across the U.S.A. Both hemp cannabis and marijuana cannabis plants belong to the same Cannabaceae family.

Mixed - CBD hemp flower buds
Mixed – CBD hemp flower buds

Hemp flowers contain somewhere over 150 (and still counting) other phytocannabinoids like CBDa, CBG, CBC, CBGV, CBN, THC, and THCv, along with terpenes such as a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, and caryophyllene, as well as flavonoids (the compounds that give each strain its unique smell, taste and sometimes effects), plant proteins, essential fatty acids, and other phytonutrients (which include polyphenols). Each strain will contain a varying and totally unique cannabinoid profile and terpene profile. Understanding what blend suits your needs and produces the best desired effects is key.

When all of these individual components of hemp/cannabis work in harmony, they are responsible for a synergistic process scientists have called the entourage effect.

High-quality, full-spectrum CBD products are typically created from extracting all of the beneficial compounds from the whole-plant, which includes the flower. This is sometimes referred to as whole-plant, full-plant, or aerial parts. These types of CBD products often produce the best results as they contain all the beneficial components and multiple cannabinoids.

When all of these individual components of hemp/cannabis work in harmony, they are responsible for a synergistic process, scientists have named the entourage effect.


The reported benefits of using hemp flower buds are predominantly based on the aforementioned full-spectrum entourage effects. Flower also delivers everything it contains in much larger volume with a much higher bio-availability, since inhalation bypasses the gut and enters the bloodstream without undergoing metabolization.

This is correctly known as “the first pass effect” (also known as first-pass metabolism or presystemic metabolism), a phenomenon of drug metabolism whereby the concentration of a drug, specifically when administered orally, is greatly reduced before it reaches the systemic circulation. (source)

We need to be very clear on the fact we cannot inform you of the benefits due to FDA restrictions. We can only discuss the reported hemp flower benefits.

Many people consider smoking or inhaling vapor from CBD flower to be a much more calming and relaxing option over other delivery methods, giving an effect of a “body high” opposed to a THC-related head high.


The most common effects from hemp flower and CBD consumption can be generally categorized into the following effects.

Head, Body, Full Body

Head Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon Body Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon
Sleep Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon Focus Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon Calm Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon Energy Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon Pain Relief Effects of CBD/Hemp Icon

Sleep – Focus – Calm – Relief (Pain) – Energetic

Most varieties produce relaxing effects with varying effects as noted above. CBG is proving to be the better option for focus and mental energy.

Does hemp flower have side effects?

If you’re smoking or eating hemp flower, the potential side effects are very low.

Most commonly, people report that smoking to much flower can cause dry mouth, tiredness and occasionally loss of appetite. It’s very likely that tiredness is a desired “side effect” and loss of appetite is likely due to strains high in the terpene humulene.


Buy Premium CBD, CBG Hemp Flower Buds Online From Our Full Sales Selection Here


How to use hemp flower list

  • Smoking CBD Flower
  • Dry Vaporizing – Dry Herb Atomizing CBD Flower
  • Eating CBD Flower
  • Making CBD Capsules
  • Decarbed hemp flower capsules
  • Making CBD Oil Capsules
  • Cooking & Baking with CBD Flower
  • Making CBD Oil from Hemp Flower
  • Making Hemp CBD cannabutter

As you can see, hemp flowers are very versatile, and in truth, the options are only limited by our own imagination.

One crucial part of using hemp flower is to understand that dried, raw, and cured hemp flower contains mostly CBDa, the acidic precursor form of CBD. In order to achieve the full benefits of using the buds, they require heating to activate many compounds that are in a precursor state.

This process of heating is known as decarboxylation or decarb/decarbing. Decarboxylation (heating) activates (turns) cannabinoids like CBDa into CBD. This process instantly happens when you smoke/vaporize the buds. To use the buds to their full potential in foods or dry capsules, you will have to slowly heat/cook the buds before use.

Although decarboxylation sounds very technical and challenging, it’s actually straightforward. So don’t be scared off by the term and follow the below fundamental steps to get the best from your CBD flower.


  1. Preheat your oven to 250 F.
  2. Grind or blitz up your hemp flower buds. If you do not have a herb grinder, break it up into tiny pieces with your fingers or use a food processor on the pulse setting. You’re looking to make small pieces akin to dried thyme leaves — not dust.
  3. Spread your ground hemp flower out onto a cookie sheet or baking tray, creating a very thin layer — a few millimeters in depth.
  4. Place the tray in your oven on a middle rack.
  5. Bake for approximately 45 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven and let cool. The hemp flower should look brownish and feel dry to the touch. It should also crumble when rolled between your fingers.

That’s it! Your hemp flower is now decarbed, the CBDa has converted to CBD, and you’re ready to make your own dry herb CBD capsulesCBD oils, butter, cakes, cookies. You can even add it to soup if you wanted! Simple, right?

What Is Decarboxylation? Why Is It Important? How To Decarboxylate Hemp Flower.


It’s really as easy as it sounds. You can simply use a tobacco pipe, roll up a hemp smoke, use a vaporizer, or any other way you might smoke something similar to tobacco.

Vaporizing, however, requires a specific bit of hardware called a dry vaporizer. You can use any dry herb vaporizer you wish. Your choices are endless.

Consumers often confuse terminology, understandably so. “Can you smoke CBD buds?” is one we hear all to often.

cbd hemp flower vaporizer
cbd hemp flower vaporizer


Although making tea might seem like a very suitable option to ingest hemp or CBD, it’s unfortunately not as simple as it might sound.

While there are many “CBD TEAS / HEMP TEAS” on the market, it’s honestly not a very economical or beneficial way to consume CBD. Why?

Because CBD is fat-soluble and requires other fats or lipids for absorption.

CBD is also nonpolar and hydrophobic, meaning it repels water and only wants to bind to other neutral, nonpolar molecules. Putting CBD into water results in the molecule being repelled away from water molecules, which means the vessel’s walls end up covered in CBD.

If you want to make a drink with CBD, you’ll be best off making a fat-based (think milk or similar) drink to which you can add your CBD. Alternatively, take your CBD oil, CBD capsule, CBD infused foods or CBD edibles and enjoy a nice cup of tea, put your feet up and enjoy a relaxing few minutes out of your day.

Can you eat hemp flowers?

While you can eat hemp or cannabis flowers, you’ll receive very little benefit doing so without correct preparation. Cannabinoids require conversion from their acidic state to non acidic state via heat in a process called decarboxylation.

With that said, there are benefits to using cannabinoids in their precursor state, such as CBDa, THCa, CBGa, etc. However, you will need to use them with other fats. This can get a little complex due to various extraction techniques. We will produce an in-depth article on raw cannabis use and extraction of acidic precursor cannabinoids.

The one questionable consumption method is raw hemp flower. Also known as cured but not decarb CBD flower. However, there are some great health benefits to be gleaned when ingesting raw cold pressed or juiced cannabis. Consuming the plant this way will result in high amounts of the acidic precursor cannabinoids as mentioned above.

Is Hemp flower legal in the U.S.A?

Since the Hemp Bill passed in 2018, hemp flower has been de-scheduled, is federally legal and falls under the section 5 of The Controlled Substances Act: Schedule V drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with lower potential for abuse. Source: DEA

However, commercial hemp production does require licensing and/or permits. These are issued by each state using varying regulations and controls.

Possession and use of hemp flower is legal so long as it contains <0.3% thc by dry weight. Any CBD producer and vendor should have absolutely undergone testing and clarification that their products are legal as per the guidelines.

How do you know if such products are legal? First, heck the company’s batch-specific, end product, third-party lab reports, such as these independent lab reports for our products.

The section you need to look at is the line that says: Δ9-THC – this should show a value of 0.3% or less. See the highlighted section in the report image below.

cbd-flower uses lab report img
CBD Flower 3rd Party Lab Report

Some states can have varying laws regarding smokable hemp flower, so it’s worth checking with your state’s law department to verify.

One word of warning to be sure you’re on the safe side is to avoid walking around in public smoking hemp rolls, as this may draw unwanted attention.

If you want to learn more about hemp regulations, Purdue University’s Hemp project has in-depth articles that cover most aspects.

Can you grow hemp at home? Hemp is legal!

Growing hemp plants at home is typically illegal in many states across the USA. Many states treat this the same as growing marijuana plants. 

However there are states that do allow hemp or cannabis to be grown at home. Follow NORML to stay up to date with your local laws and regulations.

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